Eleusis Eleusis: Archetypal Image of Mother and Daughter |
Essays on Contemporary Events, 1936-46 |
 Sociology Sociology: A Very Short Introduction |
The Sociological Imagination |
The Undiscovered Self - R.F.C. Hull (Translator)
- Carl Gustav Jung
Hölderlin, Kleist, and Nietzsche: The Struggle with the Daemon - Stefan Zweig
- Eden and Cedar Paul (Translator)
 How to Argue How to Argue: Powerfully, Persuasively, Positively |
Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning - Peter C. Brown
- Henry L. Roediger III
- Mark A. McDaniel
Kabbalistic Visions: C.G. Jung and Jewish Mysticism |
The Oxford Handbook of Nietzsche |
The Emotionally Absent Mother, Updated and Expanded Second Edition |
The portable Jung - Carl Gustav Jung
- R. F. C. Hull
Consciousness: A Very Short Introduction |
The dialectic of sex: The case for feminist revolution |
Intelligence: A Very Short Introduction |
The birth and death of meaning |
Jung's Map of the Soul: An Introduction |
Modern Man in Search of a Soul - Carl Gustav Jung
- H.G. Baynes (Translator)
- W.S. Dell (Translator)
The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work |
Memories, Dreams, Reflections - Carl Gustav Jung
- Richard Winston (Translator)
- Clara Winston (Translator)
Outliers: The Story of Success |
 Scattered Minds Scattered Minds: The Origins and Healing of Attention Deficit Disorder |
The Kreutzer Sonata - Leo Tolstoy
- David Duff (translator)
Missing Out: In Praise of the Unlived Life |
The evolution of desire : strategies of human mating |
Promises Lovers Make When It Gets Late |
 Dostoevsky Dostoevsky: Language, Faith, and Fiction |
 Anima Anima: Anatomy of a Personified Notion - James Hillman
- Carl Gustav Jung
 Anima Anima: An Anatomy of a Personified Notion |
The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science |
Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find—and Keep—Love |
Jouissance: Sexuality, Suffering and Satisfaction |