Some of the information about eating low fat food, counting calories and not taking in count the quality of the food we eat make it seem outdated.
Si bien hay muchas verdades en este libro, no me gusta el tono condescendiente con el que está escrito, siento que parte de aprender a aceptar el momento presente es ver las situaciones desde la compasión. Todo el libro sentí que me estaban regañando en lugar de darme algún tip práctico sobre cómo vivir en el presente.
Además me parece que utiliza algunos conceptos de forma errónea, desde el Buda hasta Jesús. El más importante de todos, el amor, del que se habla en el último capítulo, queriendo decir en algunos momentos que las personas que sienten enojo hacia su pareja no sienten amor verdadero.
I skeptically read this book, as a recommendation from my therapist. I don't believe in magic tricks, but I have to admit that it surprised me with some valuable information. Society never speaks about emotions and how they can affect our physical bodies, this book have good recommendations to start connecting with ourselves. And you don't have to be religious to practice it.
Even so, the book is too redundant and vague when it speaks of scientific facts. It tries too hard to explain how its theories make sense scientifically, but it doesn't go deep on it and not always make sense.
I still don't believe in magic tricks. I haven't done the magic exercise the book speaks about, but it sounds like meditation to confront our traumas.