34/100 booksRead 100 books by Dec 31, 2024. You were 66 books away from reaching your goals!
Ending was boring as it went from reality of locations and historical events to crazy Deepak Chopra pseudoscience mysticism that just took me out of the story.
It got repetitive. Let me some up. No rain: things happen to the finches and certain types are selected. Lots of rain: things happen to the finches and certain types are selected. #no spoilers on what. It was interesting the quotes from Darwin and the implications on modern results. As a non-scientist, it dragged on a little to much for me to follow.
While I enjoyed this book, I have no interest in reading any more in the series. #QUITSERIES
I enjoyed the story but was disappointed by the ending. It was a pretty anticlimactic and abrupt. Overall, the story was clever and entertaining.
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