#2 | | 3.67 |
#3 | Humble Pi A Comedy of Maths Errors | 4.13 |
#4 | | 3.66 |
#5 | How to Lie with Statistics | 3.84 |
#6 | Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid | 4.45 |
#7 | Gödel's Proof - Ernest Nagel
- James Roy Newman
| 4.2 |
#8 | | 4.19 |
#9 | Radical Equations Radical Equations: Math Literacy and Civil Rights - Robert P. Moses
- Charles E. Cobb Jr
| 0 |
#10 | Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men | 4.3 |
#11 | Theory of Games and Economic Behavior: 60th Anniversary Commemorative Edition | 3 |
#12 | | 4.24 |
#13 | Sleight of Mind Sleight of Mind: 75 Ingenious Paradoxes in Mathematics, Physics, and Philosophy | 3 |