Artifact Space

#1 of 2 in Arcana Imperii

Artifact Space
ByMiles Cameron

    2021 • 87 Readers • 400 pages 4.4

    The Stars, Like Dust

    #1 of 3 in Galactic Empire

    The Stars, Like Dust
    ByIsaac Asimov

      1951 • 131 Readers • 192 pages 3.3

      In Ascension

      In Ascension
      ByMartin MacInnes

        2023 • 175 Readers • 380 pages 3.6

        The Circumference of the World

          2023 • 28 Readers 3.7

          Some Desperate Glory

            2023 • 374 Readers • 448 pages 4

            A Canticle for Leibowitz

            #1 of 2 in St. Leibowitz

            A Canticle for Leibowitz
            ByWalter M. Miller Jr.

              1959 • 671 Readers • 334 pages 3.9

              The Ministry for the Future

              The Ministry for the Future
              ByKim Stanley Robinson

                2020 • 447 Readers • 563 pages 3.8

                Land of Milk and Honey

                  2023 • 186 Readers • 240 pages 3.7

                  Sea of Tranquility

                  Sea of Tranquility
                  ByEmily St. John Mandel

                    2022 • 1,551 Readers • 258 pages 4

                    I Hate the Internet

                    I Hate the Internet
                    ByJarett Kobek

                      2016 • 22 Readers • 288 pages 3

                      The Time Traveler's Wife

                      The Time Traveler's Wife
                      ByAudrey Niffenegger

                        2003 • 1,200 Readers • 522 pages 3.9

                        The Old Man and the Sea

                        The Old Man and the Sea
                        ByErnest Hemingway

                          1952 • 1,607 Readers • 127 pages 3.7

                          The Catcher in the Rye

                          The Catcher in the Rye
                          ByJ. D. Salinger

                            1951 • 3,131 Readers • 288 pages 3.6

                            Termination Shock

                            Termination Shock
                            ByNeal Stephenson

                              2021 • 252 Readers • 720 pages 3.8


                              ByNnedi Okorafor

                                2021 • 113 Readers • 225 pages 4

                                Ninefox Gambit

                                #1 of 3 in The Machineries of Empire

                                Ninefox Gambit
                                ByYoon Ha Lee

                                  2016 • 437 Readers • 400 pages 3.6

                                  I, Robot

                                  #0.1 of 4 in Robot

                                  I, Robot
                                  ByIsaac Asimov

                                    1950 • 1,280 Readers • 304 pages 4.1

                                    American War

                                    American War
                                    ByOmar El Akkad

                                      2017 • 288 Readers • 352 pages 3.8


                                      ByAndy Weir

                                        2015 • 1,521 Readers • 305 pages 3.6

                                        The Stand

                                        The Stand
                                        ByStephen King

                                          1978 • 1,677 Readers • 1,553 pages 4.2

                                          The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress

                                          The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress
                                          ByRobert A. Heinlein

                                            1966 • 627 Readers • 288 pages 3.8


                                            ByStanisław Lem,Steve Cox(Translator),+1 more

                                              1961 • 749 Readers • 222 pages 3.8

                                              Cloud Atlas

                                              Cloud Atlas
                                              ByDavid Mitchell

                                                2003 • 1,115 Readers • 509 pages 3.9

                                                Old Man's War

                                                #1 of 6 in Old Man's War

                                                Old Man's War
                                                ByJohn Scalzi

                                                  2005 • 1,220 Readers • 320 pages 4.1

                                                  Make It So: Interaction Design Lessons From Science Fiction

                                                    2012 • 7 Readers • 368 pages 3.5

                                                    The House of Silk

                                                    #1 of 2 in Horowitz's Holmes

                                                    The House of Silk
                                                    ByAnthony Horowitz

                                                      2009 • 153 Readers • 294 pages 4.1

                                                      The Dispossessed

                                                      #6 of 9 in Hainish Cycle

                                                      The Dispossessed
                                                      ByUrsula K. Le Guin

                                                        1974 • 1,002 Readers • 400 pages 4.2

                                                        The Martian Chronicles

                                                          1950 • 965 Readers • 182 pages 4