3.88 The Left Hand of Darkness
4.06 4.17 Roadside Picnic
Arkady Strugatsky Boris Strugatsky Olena Bormashenko (Translator) 3.98 4.06 4.01 4 The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas
4.25 The Word for World Is Forest
4.04 3.86 4.07 4.07 3.68 3.5 4.26 3.65 3.71 3.85 No Time to Spare: Thinking About What Matters
4.03 The Wind's Twelve Quarters
4.02 4.17 Steering the Craft: A Twenty-First-Century Guide to Sailing the Sea of Story
4.22 3.83 4.33 The Unreal and the Real: The Selected Short Stories of Ursula K. Le Guin
4.14 3.88 Kalpa Imperial: The Greatest Empire That Never Was
Angélica Gorodischer Ursula K. Le Guin (Translator) 4 3.74 3.83 The Birthday of the World and Other Stories
4 3.59 4 3.61 4.26 The Day Before the Revolution
4.4 A Fisherman of the Inland Sea
4 4.29 4.32 The Found and the Lost: The Collected Novellas of Ursula K. Le Guin
4.5 3.84 Epic: Legends of Fantasy
Paolo Bacigalupi Aliette de Bodard Trudi Canavan Orson Scott Card Kate Elliott Robin Hobb N.K. Jemisin Mary Robinette Kowal Ursula K. Le Guin Juliet Marillier George R.R. Martin Michael Moorcock Melanie Rawn Patrick Rothfuss Brandon Sanderson Carrie Vaughn Tad Williams 3.67 4 3.75 4 3.88 The Beginning Place
Ursula K. Le Guin Maciej Buszewicz (Translator) 4.14 La mano izquierda de la oscuridad
Ursula K. Le Guin Francisco Abelenda (Translator) 4.22 The Language of the Night: Essays on Writing, Science Fiction, and Fantasy
3 3.5 4.25 4 Wings of Fire
George R.R. Martin Todd Lockwood Michael Swanwick Roger Zelazny Diana Wynne Jones Mercedes Lackey Elizabeth Moon Harlan Ellison Robert Silverberg Barry N. Malzberg S.P. Somtow James P. Blaylock Gordon R. Dickson Nina Kiriki Hoffman Margo Lanagan Elizabeth A. Lynn Pat Murphy Robert Reed Lucius Shepard Jane Yolen Charles de Lint Ursula K. Le Guin Patricia A. McKillip Peter S. Beagle Garth Nix Holly Black Elizabeth Bear Anne McCaffrey Tanith Lee C. J. Cherryh Orson Scott Card Naomi Novik 5 4 4.67 4.83 Masterpieces: The Best Science Fiction of the Century
George R.R. Martin Orson Scott Card 3 0 Левая рука Тьмы
Ursula K. Le Guin Ирина Тогоева (Translator) 4.33 The Compass Rose: Short Stories
3.6 Wonderful Alexander and the Catwings
3.5 Dancing at the Edge of the World
0 4.33 The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction
Edmond Hamilton Leslie F. Stone C.L. Moore Stanley G. Weinbaum Isaac Asimov Clifford D. Simak Theodore Sturgeon Judith Merril Fritz Leiber Ray Bradbury Arthur C. Clarke Robert Sheckley William Tenn Alfred Bester Avram Davidson Cordwainer Smith Robert A. Heinlein J.G. Ballard R.A. Lafferty Harlan Ellison Frederik Pohl Philip K. Dick Samuel R. Delany Pamela Zoline Robert Silverberg Brian W. Aldiss Ursula K. Le Guin Frank Herbert Stanisław Lem James Tiptree Jr. John Varley Joanna Russ Kate Wilhelm Carol Emshwiller William Gibson Nancy Kress Pat Cadigan Bruce Sterling Misha Nogha Eileen Gunn Nathaniel Hawthorne Jules Verne H. G. Wells E.M. Forster Octavia E. Butler 0 Brave New Worlds
Cory Doctorow Paolo Bacigalupi Orson Scott Card Ursula K. Le Guin M. Rickert Kate Wilhelm Geoff Ryman Neil Gaiman Bryan Talbot J.G. Ballard Carrie Vaughn James K. Morrow Alexander C. Irvine Ray Bradbury Harlan Ellison Genevieve Valentine Sarah Langan Kim Stanley Robinson Matt Williamson Philip K. Dick Heather Lindsley Kurt Vonnegut Robert Silverberg Jeremiah Tolbert Joe Mastroianni Adam-Troy Castro Tobias S. Buckell Vylar Kaftan Shirley Jackson S.L. Gilbow Joseph Paul Haines C.C. Finlay Caitlín R. Kiernan 4 3 The Way of the Wizard
John Joseph Adams Neil Gaiman Ursula K. Le Guin George R.R. Martin Kelly Link Nnedi Okorafor Lev Grossman Susanna Clarke Peter S. Beagle Genevieve Valentine 3.67 Diverse energies
Paolo Bacigalupi Ursula K. Le Guin Malinda Lo Cindy Pon Daniel H. Wilson Greg Van Eekhout Ellen Oh Rahul Kanakia K. Tempest Bradford Ken Liu Rajan Khanna 4 Jane on Her Own
Ursula K. Le Guin S.D. Schindler 4.33 Die linke Hand der Dunkelheit
4 Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Women Writers Explore Their Favorite Fairy Tales
Terri Windling Deborah Eisenberg Maria Flook Patricia Foster Vivian Gornick Lucy Grealy bell hooks Fanny Howe Fern Kupfer Ursula K. Le Guin Carole Maso Alice Adams Jane Miller Lydia Millet Connie Rose Porter Francine Prose Joyce Carol Oates Linda Gray Sexton Midori Snyder Fay Weldon Joy Williams Julia Alvarez Margaret Atwood Ann Beattie Rosellen Brown A.S. Byatt Kathryn Davis Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni 0 Los Libros de Terramar
Ursula K. Le Guin Matilde Horne (Translator) Franca Borsani (Translator) Juan Pascual Martínez Fernández (Translator) Teresa Gottlieb (translator) 5 Very Far Away from Anywhere Else
4 3.2 2.88 4.25 The Wind's Twelve Quarters and the Compass Rose
2.67 4.67 4.25 Unlocking the Air and Other Stories
3 The Language Of The Night: Essays On Fantasy And Science Fiction
4 The Space Opera Renaissance
1 The Apocalypse Reader
H. G. Wells Grace Aguilar Steve Aylett Robert Bradley Dennis Cooper Lucy Corin Matthew Derby Carol Emshwiller Neil Gaiman Jeff Goldberg Theodora Goss Nathaniel Hawthorne Shelley Jackson Ursula K. Le Guin Stacey Levine Kelly Link Garielle Lutz Rick Moody Michael Moorcock Josip Novakovich Edgar Allan Poe Colette Phair Terese Svoboda Lynne Tillman Deb Olin Unferth Allison Whittenberg Diane Williams Adam Nemett David Elliott Jared Hohl Joyce Carol Oates H. P. Lovecraft Brian Evenson 2 Cats in Space...and Other Places
Anne McCaffrey C. J. Cherryh Arthur C. Clarke David Drake Jody Lynn Nye Robert A. Heinlein M.J. Engh A.E. van Vogt P.J. Beese Cordwainer Smith Greg Bear Fredric Brown S.M. Stirling Fritz Leiber Ursula K. Le Guin Todd Hamilton Judith R. Conly 0 The Year's Best Science Fiction: Second Annual Collection
4 The Birthday of the World
4.25 Ursula K. Le Guin
Ursula K. Le Guin David Naimon 5 3.5 Dancing at the Edge of the World: Thoughts on Words, Women, Places
5 Searoad
Ursula K. Le Guin Lena Fries-Gedin (Translator) 0 Worlds of Exile and Illusion
4.25 Un mago de Terramar
Ursula K. Le Guin Matilde Horne (Translator) 3.38 The Best Time Travel Stories of the 20th Century
0 Meditations on Middle-Earth
4 The Locus Awards
Neil Gaiman John Varley George R.R. Martin Joanna Russ Pat Murphy Lucius Shepard Terry Bisson John Kessel Connie Willis John Crowley Gene Wolfe Greg Egan Ursula K. Le Guin Ted Chiang Harlan Ellison James Tiptree Jr. Octavia E. Butler Bruce Sterling 5 5 4.5 El nombre del mundo es Bosque
3 0 The Oxford Book of Science Fiction Stories
3 The Birthday of the World and Other Stories