On New Year's Eve 1990, in southern Australia, a troubled Vietnam veteran named Jack has disappeared. Jack's wife Evelyn and children Ru, Lani, and Les cope with the bonds and limits of family as rumors spread of a huge black cat stalking the landscape outside their door.
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Interesting and poetic prose, but nothing that really stood out to me or pulled me in. It seemed to be a fairly outside view on all the characters - you get snippets of Lani and Ru, but everyone else feels like a sketch that hasn't been filled in. I did like Lani and Ru's parts of the story though.
A sad and sickening but ultimately hopeful story. This novel takes turns seeing one New Year‰ЫЄs Eve in Australia through the eyes of each family member, showing the horror of a man broken by war and how that horror extends to his daughters, his wife, and his brother. The book ends on a New Year‰ЫЄs Eve years later, with a renewal. The language is beautiful and the characters and story are engaging.