There was something wrong with Bellamy. She had been running from it for most of her life. It had brought her home, though. Perhaps it had always intended to.
This is definitely one of Darcy's cozier titles, and it hit me in the feels in all the right, subtle ways. I loved how atmospheric the Bellamy setting was and the way Leanne's memories slowly came back to her, making her a bit of an unreliable narrator at times. I could see this making such a good horror movie, especially reminding me of something Guillermo del Toro might direct: gothic, isolated, and a bit heavy. I definitely recommend it to anyone who's already a fan of Darcy's or anyone looking to try out her work in a quick, bite-sized portion. (Plus, for it to be such a short story, it felt very developed!)
✨ Content warnings for: grief, child/sibling disappearance (implied death), a side character appears to be terminally ill
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