Average rating4.6
"... Dracula is really about a Victorian D&D party going full murderhobo on a megalomaniacal vampire supervillain as revenge for vamping their polycule sweetheart."
I posted my full thoughts on the story itself in a review for Dracula here, but as far as Dracula Daily goes, I absolutely loved this way of telling the story. Not only do I think the idea of putting everything in chronological order is fantastic, but the memes and comments in the margins were a trip and I laughed out loud at a lot of them. I even followed the link in the author's note to view more of the posts, and I could spend days down that rabbit hole.
If you or someone in your life likes Dracula and appreciates the inherent rampant bisexual chaos this classic holds, definitely grab a copy of Dracula Daily.
Thank you to the publisher for the review copy! All thoughts are honest and my own.
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