Fanged Dandelion
Fanged Dandelion
I need help, someoneplease do somethingI would have nevercut a hole so deepin my abdomen ifI had known howmuch it would hurt
Eric has become one of my favorite authors of all time, and this collection was just as perfectly upsetting, dark, and troubling as I hoped it would be. Simply the way they string words together feels like a dangerous magic on its own, but coupling that incredible writing with the vulnerability and brutal honesty in Eric's dissection of intrusive thoughts and fear of one's own mind makes this a collection I won't forget.
✨ Representation: Eric LaRocca is a queer author in a queer relationship and that is alluded to multiple times in these poems.
✨ Content warnings for: violence/mutilation, death, child death, infanticide, insects, intrusive thoughts about harming loved ones
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