It felt like thousands of question marks were floating in the air, and instead of grabbing them out of the air and shaking them for answers, we were simply accepting the uncertainty of the moment.
This was actually a 3.5 star read for me, but the more I pondered it over the two-day span between finishing it and reviewing it, I realized it wasn't quite remarkable enough for me to round up.
Here We Are Now tells the story of Taliah, a biracial white/Arabic teen who's never met her father. She's only working on an educated guess that he might be Julian Oliver, rockstar sensationalist, when the man shows up at her door one day to tell her that her assumptions were correct - and he wants to take her to meet his family, including his dying father.
→ taliah sahar abdallat ←
He said that he thought Sufjan Stevens was overrated, which was basically a declaration of war as far as I was concerned.
→ julian oliver ←
As weird as it is to say, I was maybe, sort of, starting to fall in love with my dad. And he was maybe, sort, starting to fall in love with me.
Here We Are Now
→ harlow ←
(Not to mention, if I were gay, Harlow would've been way out of my league.)
→ romance ←
“I think with some people you can just tell you're going to have a history with them. Even if that history hasn't happened yet.”
→ diversity ←
When she felt like defending herself, she would bitterly think that the hijab marked her as weak in the eyes of the Americans, and she had not come to America to be weak.
→ final thoughts ←
Here We Are Now
All quotes are taken from an unfinished ARC and may differ from the final release. Thank you so much to Balzer + Bray for giving me this ARC in exchange for an honest review!