In the Shadow of Spindrift House
In the Shadow of Spindrift House
Average rating3.5
Humanity is an aberration, an affront upon all that is right and true and holy.
What a ride. It never ceases to amaze me, the way Mira Grant can fit such a thoroughly well-developed, deep story into so few pages. There are countless writers who require hundreds of pages to do what she can do in a few chapters, and it astounds me every time. This one took me a bit to get invested into, but I think that must have been singularly to blame upon my horrible four-month-long reading slump, because by the time that slump passed, I devoured this novella and was devastated when it ended.
It is a graveyard for the small and a playground for the vast, as all graveyards must be, for tragedy is so often a matter of perspective.
Spindrift House has been allowed, for most of its long and lonely existence, to stand alone.
Spindrift House has had a great deal of time to decide what it wants to be, and what it wants to be is unforgiving.
Whether you're a long-time horror lover or someone who only dips their toe into the genre from time to time, I cannot recommend highly enough that you take a visit to Spindrift House and see what its seaside decay has in store for you.
All quotes come from an advance copy and may not match the final release. Thank you so much to Subterranean Press for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review!