Average rating4
2.5* Ufff, a difficult one. I really wanted to like it. And the historical context of the story and depiction of the city is wonderful. However... the first third of the book i thought i am reading a new story of Job. All the harms of the world against one poor man. And whenever you were thinking that its gonna be better, it was even worse. There is a brief respite in the second part, but ut comes again and again. That maybe wouldn't be terrible if the characters were interesting and nuanced. But no. They are extremely monochromatic. All the nobles a terrible people, the church corrupts everyone with some power, main protagonist and his diverse friends are pure and good, women are objects. It is really debilitating to read a story like this. I am not even sure if there is any lesson coming from it. Maybe it is at the very end which i frankly skipped as, together with the ongoing war in Ukraine, was just too depressive. I gave the book +1 for the setting as the city of Barcelona is dear to me and is my second home.