Average rating5
Ghastly. revolting. frustrating. I couldn't get enough. I'm so mad at the nauseating, awful old fuck and at Luciana's mom and dad and at the entire population of Key West, Florida. And since finishing this book, every time I think about it I get so ANGRY because this shit happened to an actual woman! María Elena, honey, I'm so sorry you had to deal with all those buffoons.
This was so deeply upsetting. With each chapter, my blood boiled hotter. My skin crawled at von Tore's retelling of the story, and all his delusional fabrications. But then I got to reading through everything that goes on after he's found out. And what the FUCK, man. What the FUCK. I want to reach into the book and punch some faces in.
I liked having Gabriela's account of Luci's life in contrast, but I wish the author would have spared a few more pages to her POV.
This is closer to 4.5 for me, but I'm rounding down! I'd love to read more of Heather's writing in the future.