Average rating4.4
Short Review: I really went back and forth about whether I was going to read this or not. I had read very convincing reviews both pro and con. Two things made me eventually pick it up. One, I knew it was about Evans move toward the Episcopal church and I have been moving that way as well. And two it is on Scribd as an audiobook. Subscription services really allow you to try something out that you would not read otherwise.
I think this is Evans' best book so far. But it is not a slam dunk. I love her writing. She has humor, real insight and she is a wide ranging thinker that is not afraid to put out her own thoughts. I think she has not been well served by Thomas Nelson's editorial staff. I think she could be a great writer, but she needs a better editor that really understands how to bring the best out in her.
The structure of the seven sacraments, while interesting, never really made complete sense to me.
I do think the book is worth reading, hence 4 stars. But it is a book that is primarily for doubters and skeptics. If you are not a doubter or a skeptic, you probably will be frustrated by Evans. That is ok, this book isn't written for you.
My full review is on my blog at http://bookwi.se/searching-for-sunday-by-rachel-held-evans/