Average rating3.6
“true master of the genre” I think not. First of all, I wouldn't call this horror. It was more like a police procedural, thriller more than horror. But that's not my beef with it. This was just one of those “throw everything against the wall and see what sticks” kind of books. Every trope, every cliche was here for the taking, making the entire story ridiculous. Unnecessary POVs (why did we need to be inside the head of Danny?), and characters who weren't clearly defined. This book had pacing issues and could have done with a lot more editing.
And now for the spoilers and true ranting.
Addicted, burnt out cop with a cheating husband who blames herself because she's too invested in her work. She's a mostly absent mother because she works so much and the one time she does school drop off she doesn't take her directly to the door so of course she gets kidnapped. DID done badly with weird hints of supernaturalism in that living people are some of the personalities and maybe the personality and the living person are able to talk to each other through their minds??? Animal mask wearing crazed drug addicts form a cult and dig up a serial killer's body to resurrect with a human sacrifice. Crazy woman is actually mastermind of everything. Small time cops immediately get murdered because despite crazy mask wearing psychos running around with shotguns no one is wearing vests EXCEPT Danny who mentions the vest several times so that when he's finally shot and the chapter ends, moving on to Tess and Justin you're not at all concerned because you know he's wearing a vest. Also, Justin's phone is broken and left in a burning house, yet he gets Tessa's messages?