Average rating4.2
Fun fact: In 1961 this book and LOTR were nomineted for Nobel price, and guess which one won... This one.
Now that I have your attention, I can start mansplaining.
Even though I think LOTR is not that great of a book, the incredibly detailed world that Tolkien made made such an impact on literature and all other media can be hardly be explained by words. This book is also very detailed and narrative but is realistic and brutal as much as LOTR is not, and pretty much forgotten outside countries of former Yugoslavia and literature snobs( I think).
The book takes historical approach of telling the story of the bridge and settlement around it (Višegrad) across several centuries. As bloodsheds, wars, and different authorities take over, and characters change frequently the bridge stands as a striking monument defying the time itself, like a sleeping stone giant.
It is a slow read mind you. Like a grampa telling you story of the old days, but it is interesting and will warm you and tuck you in its pages in that dark and raw way that eastern European books do.