The Shadows of Svartalfheim
The Shadows of Svartalfheim
Average rating4
“I like talking to you, predictions of doom notwithstanding.”
This quote kind of sums up my feelings about this book.
I mean, with a title like this - and it being the 7th book in a series about pretty much the end of the world - you honestly can't expect light and fluffy reading. And even if doom & gloom is not my favorite genre, I felt myself drawn in.
The biggest surprise for me was how often I caught myself rooting for Hödr - now, how did that happen? After the events in The Well of Mimir, I didn't have much sympathy for him, vaettr-possessed or not. (NB: Not that all the rooting was going to help much, I know...)
And now that Odin and Loki, despite their best efforts to delay it, have managed to bring Ragnarok about... I am curious to see how the story continues.