How Mental Health Struggles Led to My Greatest Successes in Work and Life
As a person, I don't think I have the verbiage available to explain how wonderful this book truly is. Ms. Gotch is both down to earth and funny, and reading this book was at times emotional and inspiring. She has such a way with words, she draws you in, sets you down in a comfy chair, and hands you a nice hot mug of tea ( or buttered The way she unravels her tale and touches on the issue of mental health is unapologetically relatable. Those of us who deal with these struggles moment after moment will find a companion, and an advocate is Ms. Gotch. I found myself, quite literally, highlighting sentences, chapter titles, and complete sections of the appendix for later review.
I highly recommend this as an uplifting read on the need for self-care for those with mental health issues, as well as a commanding read for any woman fighting the battle for betterment.
I read this as an ARC, thankfully provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.