Average rating3.8
This was such an odd book. No less than 5 times in 5 different chapters the author talked about preservatives or chemicals in food. The first time was odd enough because it was an entire paragraph about how bad processed food was, but then she mentions it again and again. There was also times where the author just over-explained something instead of leading the reader she was pounding you over the head with her knowledge of whatever it was.
The story itself was just okay. It was predictable and the characters were pretty boring. The side story about the agent and her twin sister were so out of place and over the top. The son, who is supposed to be in college, was written more like a 14 or 15 year old boy. I kept having to remind myself that he was 18 or 19 because he was either whining about how unfair it was that he couldn't go see a girl while his sister is missing or because his dad was treating him like a child.
One series I have no desire to continue.