When fourteen-year-old Viola is sent from her beloved Brooklyn to boarding school in Indiana for ninth grade, she overcomes her initial reservations as she makes friends with her roommates, goes on a real date, and uses the unsettling ghost she keeps seeing as the subject of a short film--her first.
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Hmmm, books like this just aren't my cup of tea. Viola is an extremely spoiled child and is mostly unlikeable throughout the whole book. The characters' dialogue with one another is so unrealistic as to be ridiculous. Viola insults her new roommates before they even spend their first night together. No one I've ever met would do that, even if they were the Princess of Snark. The major exception to the unbelievable character rule is the RA, Trish, who gives a fun and authentic portrayal of the typical hyper-involved Resident Assistant. The texts and e-mails are a nice touch and a practical literary device. Recommended for teenage girls who enjoy modern realistic fiction.
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