9 books in series


Riyria is a 8-book series with 4 primary works first released in 2010 with contributions by Michael J. Sullivan, Bradley P. Beaulieu, and 27 others.

The Crown Tower

2013 • 158 Readers • 384 pages 4.3


2011 • 24 Readers • 43 pages 4.2

The Rose and the Thorn

2013 • 71 Readers • 347 pages 4.3


2014 • 30 Readers • 1 page 3.8

The Death of Dulgath

2015 • 53 Readers • 448 pages 4.2

The Disappearance of Winter's Daughter

2019 • 42 Readers • 480 pages 4.3

The Thieves

2013 • 2 Readers • 17 pages