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92 booksI'm at 42/52 and I'm trying to really make a push to finish the year! I have a few longer books (18–25 hours audiobook) lined up, so I want some shorter and easier ones to fill out the list. I tend...
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35 booksYour favorite cozy fantasy, low stakes story that made you feel content or warm and fuzzy
3 booksFeatured Prompt
51 booksFantasy spans the spectrum from lighthearted fun to kick-you-in-the-teeth realism. When done right dark fantasy explores themes that are often taboo or emotional. Exploring these dark themes in fan...
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89 booksBooks have the ability to educate, inform and inspire us to be better. What are some of the books that changed your life in some way? This could be books that gave you a new point of view, taught y...
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30 booksWith summer here, many of us are taking the opportunity to get outside and read. That could mean finding a cozy spot in a park, stretching out on a chair poolside or on a blanket on the beach – or ...
75 booksFeatured Prompt
170 booksTell us how you got into reading, what or who inspired you. Was it a book you read one day, a mentor, teacher? etc...
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3,677 booksWhen you think back on every book you've ever read, what are some of your favorites? These can be from any time of your life – books that resonated with you as a kid, ones that shaped your personal...
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92 booksI'm interested in new genre books where the setting is almost like a character. I'm especially interested in books that also have a strong plot. For me, the prime example is "Finch" by Jeff vander...