Addiction by Design: Machine Gambling in Las Vegas | 3.5 |
| 3.98 |
Bird By Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life | 4.17 |
| 1 |
| 4.5 |
| 4.75 |
The Field Guide to Dumb Birds of North America | 3.8 |
| 3.83 |
The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative | 4.05 |
| 4 |
The Flavor Bible - Karen Page
- Andrew Dornenburg
| 4 |
The Little Book of Hygge: The Danish Way to Live Well | 3.55 |
| 4.07 |
| 4.36 |
| 3.84 |
A World Without Email: Reimagining Work in an Age of Communication Overload | 3.82 |
Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City | 4.59 |
The Hidden Life of Trees - Peter Wohlleben
- Jane Billinghurst (Translator)
- Suzanne Simard
| 3.93 |
| 4.5 |
| 4.07 |
| 4 |
How to Invent Everything: A Survival Guide for the Stranded Time Traveler | 4.11 |
Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist | 3.98 |
| 3.89 |
| 3 |
Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked | 3.8 |
| 4.31 |
The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People's Economy | 4.13 |
The Big Year: A Tale of Man, Nature, and Fowl Obsession | 3.33 |
| 4.34 |
Die with Zero: Getting All You Can from Your Money and Your Life | 3.76 |
A Short History of Nearly Everything | 4.23 |
The Oxygen Advantage: The Simple, Scientifically Proven Breathing Techniques for a Healthier, Slimmer, Faster, and Fitter You | 3.5 |
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft | 4.34 |
| 4.29 |
| 4.2 |
| 3.77 |
Everything is F*cked: A Book About Hope | 3.62 |
The Little Book of Lykke: Secrets of the World's Happiest People | 3 |
Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress | 4.04 |
Slow Jogging - Hiroaki Tanaka
- Magdalena Jackowska
| 4 |
Nine Nasty Words: English in the Gutter: Then, Now, and Forever | 3.88 |
Capital in the Twenty-First Century - Thomas Piketty
- Arthur Goldhammer (Translator)
| 4.08 |
Debt: The First 5,000 Years | 4.17 |
| 3.83 |
| 4.04 |
| 3.84 |
Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World | 4.15 |
The Year of Living Danishly: My Twelve Months Unearthing the Secrets of the World's Happiest Country | 3.91 |
Broke Millennial Talks Money: Scripts, Stories, and Advice to Navigate Awkward Financial Conversations | 5 |
| 3 |
Daily Rituals: How Artists Work | 3.42 |
| 3 |