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55 booksNew readers often struggle to find books that they connect with. It often takes exploring different genres and writing styles from a many points of views to understand your own tastes. If you've ma...
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71 booksThe publishing industry has struggled to embrace new voices. Many amazing authors have managed to get their voices out–overcoming all obstacles. What books stand out to you as your favorites by bla...
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89 booksBooks have the ability to educate, inform and inspire us to be better. What are some of the books that changed your life in some way? This could be books that gave you a new point of view, taught y...
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30 booksWith summer here, many of us are taking the opportunity to get outside and read. That could mean finding a cozy spot in a park, stretching out on a chair poolside or on a blanket on the beach – or ...
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254 booksBooks read in your formative years can shape the person you become just as much as parents, teachers and friends. What were some of the books that you remember most from your childhood years?
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83 booksLooking for all sorts of themes, but focused on books praised by the quality of narration as well as content
75 booksFeatured Prompt
3,616 booksWhen you think back on every book you've ever read, what are some of your favorites? These can be from any time of your life – books that resonated with you as a kid, ones that shaped your personal...
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126 booksWhether it's a course textbook or a fictional romance, we remember books that impact us deeply. Which books do you remember being forever changed by due to learning something new – either about you...
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92 booksI'm interested in new genre books where the setting is almost like a character. I'm especially interested in books that also have a strong plot. For me, the prime example is "Finch" by Jeff vander...