How She Does It How She Does It: An Everywoman's Guide to Breaking Old Rules, Getting Creative, and Making Time for Work in Your Actual, Everyday Life |
Carry On, Warrior: Thoughts on Life Unarmed - Glennon Doyle Melton
- Glennon Doyle
Running Like a Girl: Notes on Learning to Run |
Unclutter your life in one week |
A Land More Kind Than Home |
Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead |
The Gifts of Imperfection |
Willpower - Roy F. Baumeister
- John Tierney
You Are Here - Thich Nhat Hanh
- Sherab Chödzin Kohn (Translator)
Lose It! Lose It!: The Personalized Weight Loss Revolution - Charles Teague, Anahad O'Connor
The Amazing Adventures of Dietgirl |
Food Rules - Michael Pollan
- Greta Thunberg
- Naomi Klein
- Timothy Morton
- George Monbiot
- Bill McKibben
- Amitav Ghosh
- Tim Flannery
- Terry Tempest Williams
- Robin Wall Kimmerer
- Dai Qing
- Wangari Maathai
- Jared Diamond
- Wendell Berry
- Edward O. Wilson
- James Lovelock
- Masanobu Fukuoka
- Arne Næss
- Rachel Carson
- Aldo Leopold
The Perfect Protein - Andy Sharpless
- Suzannah Evans