Average rating3.2
A lonely girl, a beautiful boy and a load of terrifying vampires. Think you’ve seen it before? Well get ready for a shock, because this is paranormal romance with a twist... and a razor-sharp bite.
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0 released booksEvernight, is a 0-book series first released in 2008 .
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Det første som overrasket meg med denne boka var at selv om det ikke er en hemmelighet at Evernight handler om vampyrer, så fikk ikke vi (leserne) vite det før langt uti historien. Jeg satt og tenkte “Hmm, har jeg lest feil? Tenker jeg på en annen bok om vampyrer?”, men det kom fram i lyset til slutt.
Så – ei boarding school for vampyrer. Det er faktisk ikke så teit som det høres ut! Jeg fant ut at jeg faktisk likte denne boka veldig godt og den hadde mange uventede vendinger og hendelser. Jeg fikk ikke helt sansen for Lucas (hverken i begynnelsen, midten eller slutten av boka), men han var en interessant type. Bianca var en god hovedkarakter som er lett å kjenne seg igjen i.
Så Evernight var veldig god, og jeg gleder meg til å lese Stargazer (nummer to).
Fuck this book.
The ridiculous of the storytelling drove me insane. I can't really review this without spoilers so just so you know SPOILERS AHEAD....
My first huge beef with this book is the prologue. Bianca mentions her ‘new friends'. When we get to this scene in the book you realize she's known all but two of these people for maybe 3 minutes. Wow, you make friends that fast? The second thing? In the prologue vampires are mentioned. So there you go. We now know this is a book about vampires (if you didn't already know).
What you're led to believe during the first almost half of the book is that something strange is going on and it has something to do with the school. Lucas, Bianca's love interest (whom she falls in desperate love with IMMEDIATELY and is ridiculous about it ever after that) is suspicious of everyone and everything at the school and wants to protect Bianca, but she isn't sure there's anything to be protected from besides social outcast-ness despite the fact that she tried to run away from school the day of orientation.
Then, all of sudden, 40% into the book, Bianca BITES LUCAS WITH HER FANGS AND DRINKS HIS BLOOD. WTF. From then on we read about how she grew up knowing she was a vampire child and drank blood every morning with her breakfast and her father is 1,000 years old, blah, blah, blah. Are you kidding me? Again, WTF?!
Now it would be one thing if the story was told from Lucas's point of view and all of a sudden we're like, whoa the chick's a vampire! Holy crap! Because Lucas didn't know that. But the story is Bianca's story. We're in her head and she knows she's a vampire. She knows her parents, her roommate, the headmistress, the teachers, she knows they're all vampires! Therefore, we should know they're vampires.
And then this happens:
“A hundred dollars! That's only half what it cost!” I protested. And it was worth so much more than money. I'd worn it virtually every day for months, the visible symbol of the love I felt for Lucas. How could this man look at it so coldly?
Um, maybe because he's a pawnshop dealer, a stranger to you and you're an idiot?!
See, I already hate Bianca. She's got no personality, not backbone, no spunk. She's wishy washy and whiny. She's completely oblivious to everything around her. When the first meet, Lucas mentions his great-great grandfather went to Evernight 150 or some odd years ago and broke the stain glass window. Now, we know (after we find out about vampires) that this is the first time Evernight has allowed humans into the school. Therefore, something is not right about Lucas's story. And she never puts it together. Even though she remembers the story and even tells it to her parents and the only interesting character in the story, Balthazar.
I just can't stand her. It gets worse and it makes me insane. The book ends very incomplete. There is no closure and it's obvious there is another book after (for the record, there's 5) but I don't even care. I want to know nothing else about Bianca and Lucas. I wish they would die and the story would move on to another character, but I doubt that will happen so I'll just leave now, thanks.