Average rating4.1
Moins fan de ce deuxième tome qui a tout d'un livre de transition. Beaucoup de choses se mettent en place et très peu de choses se passent ayant un véritable impact. Dommage qu'il y ait un manque d'enjeu si notable.
Less of a fan of this second volume which has all the makings of a transitional book. A lot of things are set up and very few things happen that have a real impact. Too bad there is such a notable lack of stakes.
Same as the first. Good writing, not mut happening. The author has mastered the art of writing about nothing, with a twist of supernatural stuff.
For the people wishing for romance and sex, for the love Yog-Sothoth, NO! There is enough of books like this already. Not every relationship between a man and a woman needs to end up in bed.
Some of the plot advancements
- figure out what the drugs like "Gone over Wolf" are being manufactured from- take down the Controller and free up the Cassandra Sangue
Fun but a little too much possession and taking over her life. I will not be pursuing the rest of the series.
I liked this book. It was fast paced and interesting. The world building is wonderful.
3 ★★★
Definitivamente, este libro fue muy flojo.
No me malinterpreten, estuvo genial pero los conflictos no me interesaban y me costaba seguir leyendo por lo aburrido que a veces se ponía la trama. En especial las escenas entre el teniente Burke y el capitán Monty, de verdad que sus escenas me hacían leer las cosas por encima.
También las escenas en las que se enfocaban en Heather, Merri Lee y Ruthie, “la manada humana de Meg”. Aunque agradezco que le hayan dando un poco más de protagonismo para conocerlas mejor (sobra decir que Merri Lee me encantó) resultaban muy tediosas.
Pero lo que sí me entristeció, y me emocionó a su vez por aparecer, fueron las participaciones de Sam y Nathan. Les eché mucho de menos, pocas veces entraban en escena.
Este libro se enfoca más en liberar a las Casandra de Sangre de las garras del Controlador, y aunque lo logran, me dio rabia que no especificarán una identidad para él.
No me parece el mejor de la saga, y espero que mejore en los próximos. Porque, en lo que vi por la sinopsis, este giro de acontecimientos me tiene un poco... «meh». Creo que aún hay más problemas en el mundo de Thaisia, y ¿solo se enfocan en las Casandra de sangre? Yo incluso siento más curiosidad por la raza a la que pertenece Tess que la de Meg.
En fin, veamos qué tal va el próximo.
The second book in an “urban fantasy” series. The premise is simple. The world, very much like ours has humans and The Others - “earth natives” who are like common animals (wolves, crows, hawks and others) but are highly intelligent. The Others, who can shift quickly into human-like form, were the first on the continent and thus own the land and the resources. The plot of this book as well as the first one in the series, unfolds somewhat slowly as the focus is on character and relationship development rather than action. It's engaging and thoughtful as it raises issues relevant to our time - how do creatures (or humans) who are different than each other get along peacefully with each other?
Another enjoyable installment in the series. Didn't enjoy this one quite as much as the first (where the world building is the majority of the fun)....but it's a close second.
I was up until 4 am to finish this book. right after I finished Written in Red at midnight.
Some things that I love about this series so far: I love that pretty much everything is foreshadowed but nothing is predictable. I love that there are so many perspectives that contribute to the plot of the world and that the viewpoint is not narrowed to one person or location. Consequently, I love how expansive the world while simultaneously appreciating the intricacies of the budding relationships between humans and the Others.
Dark, daring and filled with action, Murder of Crows shows us the bitter side of humanity. We see the lengths the Controller will go to keep his girls and reclaim Meg. Even if it means killing a few along the way to better his chances. As war brews among the humans and Others, our Lakeside courtyard is continuing their slow acceptance of the small human pack. They are beginning to teach others of their kind how to interact with humans. After all, they've begun to trust a few, strangely enough, and want to keep war away from their home. And as the Others learn to live with the humans, Simon beguns to attach himself to one in particular, Meg. Watching him come to terms with feeling human emotions is hilarious and well written. He internally battles with himself trying to decide between the Wolf reaction and the human action, which is the right to show? It makes you wonder how all the others think in the Lakeside Courtyard. Do they battle with themselves as much? And I'd love to see how their views of Simon have changed from the first book. I also enjoy how in tense moments he has the most random concerns, such as living with humans who all dye their hair, because to the Wolves it stinks. I was a bit sad to see the ending whiz by, only highlighting over the conclusive events. I would have liked to see a bit more build up and expanded scenes, but overall I enjoyed Murder of Crows. The perfect blend of comedy and darkness. This world and it's characters will grab you from the first chapter and hold on tight, making you need the next book.
Settling into her life in the courtyard, Meg is starting to thrive. When she has a dream about black feathers, blood, and snow, it is the beginning of attacks against the Others. Now, Meg and her human pack, the Others, and the Lakeside police must work together to find out who is responsible. If they don't, whole cities could disappear in an instant and the terra indigene will reclaim it all. Meanwhile, Simon and Meg are trying to figure out how they feel about each other, terra indigene from other areas are visiting the Courtyard. If they can stop the attacks, Lakeside could become a training Courtyard and the first step towards better relationships between humans and the Others. I love, love, love this series!!