#1005 | |
#1006 | |
#1007 | |
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#1011 | |
#1012 | |
#1013 | |
#1014 | |
#1015 | |
#1016 | |
#1017 | |
#1018 | |
#1019 | Heartstopper: Volume Three |
#1020 | Más que palabras - Alice Oseman
- Victoria Simó (Translator)
#1021 | Heartstopper: Volume Five |
#1022 | |
#1023 | |
#1024 | |
#1025 | |
#1026 | |
#1027 | |
#1028 | |
#1029 | |
#1030 | |
#1031 | |
#1032 | |
#1033 | |
#1034 | |
#1035 | |
#1036 | |
#1037 | |
#1038 | Never Never - James Patterson
- Candice Fox
#1039 | Black & Blue - James Patterson
- Candice Fox
#1040 | |
#1041 | |
#1042 | |
#1043 | |
#1044 | |
#1045 | |
#1046 | |
#1047 | |
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#1050 | |
#1051 | |
#1052 | |
#1053 | |
#1054 | |
#1055 | |
#1056 | |
#1057 | |
#1058 | |
#1059 | |
#1060 | Zodiac Academy: Origins of an Academy Bully - Caroline Peckham
- Caroline Peckham
- Susanne Valenti
- Susanne Valenti
#1061 | Ruthless Fae - Caroline Peckham
- Susanne Valenti
#1062 | The Reckoning - Caroline Peckham
- Susanne Valenti
#1063 | Shadow Princess - Caroline Peckham
- Susanne Valenti
#1064 | Dark Fae - Caroline Peckham
- Susanne Valenti
#1065 | Savage Fae - Caroline Peckham
- Susanne Valenti
#1066 | Vicious Fae - Caroline Peckham
- Susanne Valenti
#1067 | Cursed Fates - Caroline Peckham
- Susanne Valenti
#1068 | Broken Fae - Caroline Peckham
- Susanne Valenti
#1069 | Fated Throne - Caroline Peckham
- Susanne Valenti
#1070 | The Big A.S.S. Party - Caroline Peckham
- Susanne Valenti
#1071 | Warrior Fae - Caroline Peckham
- Susanne Valenti
#1072 | Sinners' Playground - Caroline Peckham
- Susanne Valenti
#1073 | Devil's Pass - Caroline Peckham
- Susanne Valenti
#1074 | Dead Man's Isle - Caroline Peckham
- Susanne Valenti
#1075 | Heartless Sky - Caroline Peckham
- Susanne Valenti
#1076 | The Death Club - Caroline Peckham
- Susanne Valenti
#1077 | Society of Psychos - Caroline Peckham
- Susanne Valenti
#1078 | Carnival Hill - Caroline Peckham
- Susanne Valenti
#1079 | The Awakening as Told by the Boys - Caroline Peckham
- Susanne Valenti
#1080 | |
#1081 | Gallows Bridge - Caroline Peckham
- Susanne Valenti
#1082 | Sorrow and Starlight - Caroline Peckham
- Susanne Valenti
#1083 | Zodiac Academy 9 - Caroline Peckham
- Susanne Valenti
#1084 | Beyond the Veil - Caroline Peckham
- Susanne Valenti
#1085 | Live and Let Lionel - Caroline Peckham
- Susanne Valenti
#1086 | Lola and the Boy Next Door |
#1087 | |
#1088 | My True Love Gave to Me: Twelve Winter Romances - Holly Black
- Ally Carter
- Gayle Forman
- Jenny Han
- David Levithan
- Kelly Link
- Myra McEntire
- Rainbow Rowell
- Laini Taylor
- Kiersten White
- Matt de la Pena
#1089 | Summer Days and Summer Nights: Twelve Love Stories - Leigh Bardugo
- Francesca Lia Block
- Libba Bray
- Cassandra Clare
- Brandy Colbert
- Tim Federle
- Lev Grossman
- Nina LaCour
- Veronica Roth
- Kelley Skovron
- Jennifer E. Smith
#1090 | The Woods Are Always Watching |
#1091 | The Coppersmith Farmhouse |
#1092 | |
#1093 | |
#1094 | |
#1095 | |
#1096 | |
#1097 | |
#1098 | |
#1099 | |
#1100 | |
#1101 | |
#1102 | |
#1103 | |
#1104 | |