#2 | You Don't Know JS: Async & Performance | 5 | 3 reads | |
#3 | You Don't Know JS: Types & Grammar | 5 | 4 reads | |
#4 | | 4.2 | 62 reads | |
#5 | Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass | 4.2 | 127 reads | |
#6 | | 3.79 | 343 reads | |
#7 | Meditations on First Philosophy: With Selections from the Objections and Replies - René Descartes
- Michael Moriarty (Translator)
| 3.72 | 37 reads | |
#8 | The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoevsky
- Andrew H. MacAndrew (Translator)
| 4.37 | 374 reads | |
#9 | The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA | 3.73 | 18 reads | |
#10 | | 3.54 | 34 reads | |
#11 | | 4.31 | 21 reads | |
#12 | | 4.27 | 245 reads | |
#13 | | 0 | 1 read | |
#14 | The weight of glory and other addresses | 4.36 | 14 reads | |
#15 | Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship | 4.07 | 113 reads | |
#16 | | 5 | 4 reads | |
#17 | | 4 | 3 reads | |
#18 | | 4.07 | 41 reads | |
#19 | | 3.6 | 7 reads | |
#20 | | 0 | 1 read | |
#21 | Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction | 4.29 | 8 reads | |
#22 | Bird By Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life | 4.18 | 195 reads | |
#23 | More Than a Carpenter - Josh McDowell
- Sean McDowell
| 4.43 | 8 reads | |
#24 | Erasing Hell - Francis Chan
- Preston M. Sprinkle
| 4.29 | 12 reads | |
#25 | The Most Encouraging Book on Hell EVER | 3 | 2 reads | |
#26 | Java Concurrency in Practice - Brian Goetz
- Tim Peierls
- Joshua Bloch
- Joseph Bowbeer
- David Holmes
- Doug Lea
| 4.2 | 9 reads | |
#27 | The Experience of God: Being, Consciousness, Bliss | 5 | 2 reads | |
#28 | The God I Don't Understand | 0 | 1 read | |
#29 | | 4.16 | 36 reads | |
#30 | | 0 | 1 read | |
#31 | | 4.03 | 76 reads | |
#32 | | 0 | 1 read | |
#33 | | 0 | 1 read | |
#34 | Scrum: A arte de fazer o dobro de trabalho na metade do tempo | 3.97 | 47 reads | |
#35 | Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems | 4.65 | 67 reads | |
#36 | A Beginner's Guide to Day Trading Online | 0 | 0 reads | |
#37 | Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking
- Carl Sagan
- Ron Miller
| 4.17 | 319 reads | |
#38 | | 0 | 1 read | |
#39 | Learn Microservices with Spring Boot | 0 | 1 read | |
#40 | The Go Programming Language - Alan A.A. Donovan
- Brian W. Kernighan
| 4.8 | 15 reads | |
#41 | The C Programming Language - Brian W. Kernighan
- Dennis M. Ritchie
| 4.34 | 39 reads | |
#42 | Computer Science Distilled | 4.5 | 6 reads | |
#43 | Cracking the Coding Interview: 150 Programming Questions and Solutions | 3.93 | 25 reads | |
#44 | The Power of Persistence: Breakthroughs in Your Prayer Life | 0 | 1 read | |
#45 | | 4 | 10 reads | |
#46 | Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action | 3.8 | 205 reads | |
#47 | Theology and the Problem of Evil | 0 | 1 read | |
#48 | | 5 | 1 read | |
#49 | Working: Researching, Interviewing, Writing | 4.55 | 21 reads | |
#50 | | 3.88 | 18 reads | |
#51 | Astrophysics for People in a Hurry | 3.96 | 357 reads | |
#52 | | 3.87 | 34 reads | |
#53 | | 4.07 | 445 reads | |
#54 | So Good They Can't Ignore You | 3.97 | 168 reads | |
#55 | | 3.94 | 118 reads | |
#56 | The Problems of Philosophy | 3.74 | 42 reads | |
#57 | | 0 | 1 read | |
#58 | Contemporary Introduction to Free Will, A. Fundamentals of Philosophy Series | 0 | 1 read | |
#59 | Merchants of Doubt - Naomi Oreskes
- Erik M. Conway
| 4 | 22 reads | |
#60 | You Don't Know JS: Up & Going | 4.38 | 11 reads | |
#61 | You Don't Know JS: Scope and Closures | 4.6 | 7 reads | |
#62 | | 0 | 1 read | |
#63 | | 0 | 1 read | |
#64 | The Happiest Man on Earth | 4.6 | 45 reads | |
#65 | The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering | 3.94 | 71 reads | |
#66 | | 4.1 | 40 reads | |
#67 | Fundamentals of Tree Ring Research | 0 | 0 reads | |
#68 | Leadership and Self-Deception | 3.62 | 20 reads | |
#69 | Irena's Children: The Extraordinary Story of the Woman Who Saved 2,500 Children from the Warsaw Ghetto | 4.5 | 6 reads | |
#70 | | 3.67 | 11 reads | |
#71 | | 4.4 | 32 reads | |
#72 | The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion | 4.36 | 120 reads | |
#73 | How (Not) to Read the Bible Study Guide plus Streaming Video | 0 | 1 read | |
#74 | God and the gay Christian | 4 | 9 reads | |
#75 | | 0 | 1 read | |
#76 | | 3.37 | 123 reads | |
#77 | | 3.95 | 537 reads | |
#78 | A Universe from Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing | 3.94 | 25 reads | |
#79 | | 0 | 1 read | |
#80 | | 0 | 1 read | |
#81 | The Fellowship of the Ring | 4.38 | 2,618 reads | |
#83 | The Lord of the Rings and Philosophy - Gregory Bassham
- Eric Bronson
| 0 | 1 read | |
#84 | | 4.44 | 2,266 reads | |
#85 | The Philosophy Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained | 3.75 | 8 reads | |
#86 | | 4 | 2 reads | |
#87 | Kotlin in Action - Dmitry Jemerov
- Svetlana Isakova
| 4.5 | 3 reads | |
#88 | | 3.55 | 23 reads | |
#89 | Sophie's World: A Novel about the History of Philosophy - Jostein Gaarder
- Paulette Møller (Translator)
| 3.65 | 210 reads | |
#90 | The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution | 4.32 | 72 reads | |
#91 | Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals | 4 | 1 read | |
#92 | | 3.81 | 227 reads | |
#93 | | 4.44 | 1,763 reads | |
#94 | | 4.59 | 1,038 reads | |
#95 | | 4.41 | 2,402 reads | |
#96 | | 4.06 | 38 reads | |
#97 | | 4.75 | 5 reads | |
#98 | Josephus: Jewish Antiquities, Books 14-15 - Flavius Josephus
- Ralph Marcus (Translator)
- Allen Wikgren (Translator)
| 3.5 | 2 reads | |
#99 | | 3 | 3 reads | |
#100 | | 5 | 3 reads | |
#101 | Rocket Science for the Rest of Us - Ben Gilliland
- DK Publishing
| 0 | 0 reads | |
#102 | | 0 | 0 reads | |