#2 | The Art of Language Invention | 4.21 |
#3 | Peak - Anders Ericsson
- Robert Pool
| 4.15 |
#4 | The Artist's Complete Guide to Facial Expression | 0 |
#5 | Dreamland: The True Tale of America's Opiate Epidemic | 4.24 |
#6 | | 4 |
#7 | The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable | 3.77 |
#8 | The Idea Factory: Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation | 4.25 |
#9 | The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels | 4.25 |
#10 | | 4.15 |
#11 | Who Is Fourier?: A Mathematical Adventure - Transnational College of Lex
| 0 |
#12 | What is DNA? A Biology Adventure - Transnational College of Lex
| 0 |
#13 | | 0 |
#14 | Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America's Police Forces | 4.56 |
#15 | Where Wizards Stay Up Late | 4.17 |
#16 | | 4 |
#17 | What Is Quantum Mechanics?: A Physics Adventure - Transnational College of Lex
| 0 |
#18 | Book of Proof - Richard Hammack
- Richard H. Hammack
| 4 |
#19 | Monetizing Innovation: How Smart Companies Design the Product Around the Price - Madhavan Ramanujam
- Georg Tacke
| 0 |
#20 | | 3 |
#21 | Artificial Life: A Report from the Frontier Where Computers Meet Biology | 0 |
#22 | The Filter Bubble The Filter Bubble: How the New Personalized Web Is Changing What We Read and How We Think | 0 |
#23 | An Economist Gets Lunch: New Rules for Everyday Foodies | 3.29 |
#24 | | 3.81 |
#25 | The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon | 3.87 |
#26 | | 4.08 |
#27 | | 5 |
#28 | | 3.89 |
#29 | Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success | 4.13 |
#30 | Debugging Debugging: The 9 Indispensable Rules for Finding Even the Most Elusive Software and Hardware Problems | 0 |
#31 | | 0 |
#32 | Personal Kanban: Mapping Work | Navigating Life - Jim Benson
- Tonianne DeMaria Barry
| 3.4 |
#33 | | 3 |
#34 | The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field | 0 |
#35 | Algorithmic Learning in a Random World - Vladimir Vovk
- Glenn Shafer
- Alex Gammerman
| 0 |
#36 | Hbr Guide To Better Business Writing | 0 |
#37 | Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective - Randal E. Bryant
- David Richard O'Hallaron
| 4 |
#38 | | 3.86 |
#39 | Kicking Away the Ladder: Development Strategy in Historical Perspective | 5 |
#40 | | 0 |
#41 | Crucial Conversations - Kerry Patterson
- Joseph Grenny
- Ron McMillan
- Al Switzler
| 4.05 |
#42 | | 4.11 |
#43 | Addiction by Design: Machine Gambling in Las Vegas | 3.5 |
#44 | Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder | 4 |
#45 | Babel No More: The Search for the World's Most Extraordinary Language Learners | 3.33 |
#46 | | 4 |
#47 | Healthcare Fraud: Auditing and Detection Guide | 0 |
#48 | 23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism | 3.5 |
#49 | | 3.86 |
#50 | Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls | 3.5 |
#51 | Every Cradle Is a Grave: Rethinking the Ethics of Birth and Suicide | 0 |
#52 | Mathematics of Choice: How to Count Without Counting | 0 |
#53 | | 0 |
#54 | Trend Following, 5th Edition: How to Make a Fortune in Bull, Bear and Black Swan Markets | 0 |
#55 | | 0 |
#56 | | 0 |