#101 | |
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#116 | |
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#181 | |
#182 | |
#184 | |
#185 | |
#188 | |
#243 | |
#249 | |
#413 | |
#547 | |
#666 | |
#967 | Girl on Fire Girl on Fire
#968 | We Are Wolves We Are Wolves
#971 | |
#974 | Screamscapes Screamscapes: Tales of Terror
#975 | Video Nasties Video Nasties
#976 | Miscreations Miscreations
#978 | |
#979 | |
#982 | |
#985 | |
#987 | |
#990 | Escape From Happydale Escape From Happydale
#992 | |
#994 | |
#996 | |
#998 | |
#1001 | The Visitor The Visitor
#1005 | |
#1006 | |
#1007 | |
#1009 | |
#1010 | Joyride Joyride: Includes the Bonus Novella Weed Species
#1012 | |
#1013 | |
#1015 | |
#1016 | On This, the Day of the Pig On This, the Day of the Pig
#1018 | Master of the Moors Master of the Moors
#1019 | |
#1021 | Horror in the Woods Horror in the Woods: Book 1 in the Extreme Horror Series
#1022 | Tormented Tormented: Book 2 in the Extreme Horror Series
#1023 | Forest of the Damned Forest of the Damned
#1024 | Grotesquerie Grotesquerie
#1027 | |
#1028 | |
#1030 | Last Call Last Call
#1032 | Squall Squall
#1033 | |
#1035 | |
#1037 | |
#1038 | |
#1040 | |
#1042 | |
#1044 | |
#1046 | |
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#1062 | |
#1063 | |
#1064 | |
#1067 | |
#1069 | |
#1072 | |
#1074 | |
#1075 | Inside The Wicker Man Inside The Wicker Man: How Not to Make a Cult Classic
#1077 | |
#1080 | Tastes Like Candy Tastes Like Candy: A Slasher Novel
#1081 | The Night Stockers The Night Stockers
#1083 |