#2 | Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Abusive and Controlling Men |
#3 | |
#4 | Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 - Cho Nam-Joo
- Jamie Chang
- Jamie Chang (Translator)
#5 | The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo |
#6 | |
#7 | Can't Even: How Millennials Became the Burnout Generation |
#8 | |
#9 | |
#10 | Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst |
#11 | |
#12 | |
#13 | |
#14 | |
#15 | |
#16 | |
#17 | Sweet Bean Paste - Durian Sukegawa
- Alison Watts (Translator)
#18 | |
#19 | |
#20 | |
#21 | |
#22 | Maid: Hard Work, Low Pay, and a Mother's Will to Survive |
#23 | How to Live a Good Life: A Guide to Choosing Your Personal Philosophy - Massimo Pigliucci
- Skye Cleary
- Daniel Kaufman
#24 | Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong—and the New Research That's Rewriting the Story |
#25 | A Survival Guide to the Misinformation Age: Scientific Habits of Mind |
#26 | Barking Up the Wrong Tree: The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything You Know About Success Is (Mostly) Wrong |
#27 | |
#28 | |
#29 | Blood, Sweat, and Pixels: The Triumphant, Turbulent Stories Behind How Video Games Are Made |
#30 | |
#31 | |
#32 | |
#33 | The Gifts of Imperfection |
#34 | What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing |
#35 | The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem |
#36 | The Self Confidence Workbook - Barbara Markway
- Celia Ampel
#37 | Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity |
#38 | Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High - Kerry Patterson
- Joseph Grenny
- Ron McMillan
- Al Switzler
#39 | When I Say No, I Feel Guilty |
#40 | Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life |
#41 | Healing from Hidden Abuse |
#42 | I Will Teach You to Be Rich |
#43 | |
#44 | A Random Walk Down Wall Street |
#45 | |
#46 | |
#47 | |
#48 | Not Nice: Stop People Pleasing, Staying Silent, & Feeling Guilty... And Start Speaking Up, Saying No, Asking Boldly, And Unapologetically Being Yourself |