#659 | |
#660 | |
#661 | A Court of Thorns and Roses |
#662 | |
#663 | |
#664 | |
#665 | A Court of Wings and Ruin |
#666 | |
#667 | How to Sell a Haunted House |
#668 | This Is How You Lose the Time War - Amal El-Mohtar
- Max Gladstone
#669 | |
#670 | |
#671 | The House Across the Lake |
#672 | The Saturday Night Ghost Club |
#673 | |
#674 | The Library at Mount Char |
#675 | |
#676 | |
#677 | |
#678 | I Have No Mouth & I Must Scream |
#679 | |
#680 | |
#681 | A Court of Frost and Starlight |
#682 | Mislaid in Parts Half-Known |
#683 | |
#684 | |
#685 | The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy |
#686 | |
#687 | |
#688 | |
#689 | |
#690 | |
#691 | |
#692 | |
#693 | La bibliothèque des petits miracles |
#694 | A Court of Silver Flames |
#695 | |
#696 | |
#697 | Batman: Wayne Family Adventures #1 |
#698 | |
#699 | |
#700 | Cats in Space and Other Places |
#701 | |
#702 | |
#703 | |
#704 | |
#705 | |
#706 | |
#707 | |
#708 | |
#709 | |
#710 | |
#711 | |
#712 | |
#713 | |
#714 | |
#715 | |
#716 | |
#717 | The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue |
#718 | |
#719 | Murder Your Employer: The McMasters Guide to Homicide |
#720 | |
#721 | |
#722 | |
#723 | |
#724 | Mexican Gothic - Silvia Moreno-Garcia
- Dan Sociu (Translator)
#725 | People We Meet on Vacation |
#726 | |
#727 | |
#728 | |
#729 | |
#730 | |
#731 | |
#732 | The Undermining of Twyla and Frank |
#733 | How to Become the Dark Lord and Die Trying |
#734 | |
#735 | Batman: Wayne Family Adventures, Vol. 2 |
#736 | |
#737 | |
#738 | |
#739 | |
#740 | |
#741 | |
#742 | |
#743 | Phantom Pond: A Shady Hollow Mystery Short Story |
#744 | |
#745 | |
#746 | Apprentice to the Villain |
#747 | Never Whistle at Night - Norris Black
- Amber Blaeser-Wardzala
- Phoenix Boudreau
- Cherie Dimaline
- Carson Faust
- Kelli Jo Ford
- David Heska Wanbli Weiden
- Brandon Hobson
- Darcie Little Badger
- Conley Lyons
- Nick Medina
- Tiffany Morris
- Tommy Orange
- Mona Susan Power
- Marcie R. Rendon
- Waubgeshig Rice
- Rebecca Roanhorse
- Andrea L. Rogers
- Morgan Talty
- D.H. Trujillo
- Richard Van Camp
- Royce Young Wolf
- Mathilda Zeller
- Kate Hart
#748 | |
#749 | Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine |
#750 | |
#751 | A Werewolf’s Guide to Seducing a Vampire |
#752 | A Witch's Guide to Fake Dating a Demon: ‘Whimsically sexy, charmingly romantic, and magically hilarious.’ Ali Hazelwood |
#753 | A Demon's Guide to Wooing a Witch |
#754 | |
#755 | |
#756 | |
#757 | |
#758 | |