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#1 of 7 in Sleepless
#2 of 3 in Palliser
#1 of 3 in The Dispatcher
#1 of 1 in Frazzled
#2 of 4 in Jack of Fables
#3 of 3 in VALIS Trilogy
#1 of 1 in The Christmas Books of Charles Dickens
#20 of 45 in Hercule Poirot
#12 of 20 in Fables
#6 of 6 in Chronicles of Barsetshire
#2 of 11 in The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (Collected Editions)
#4 of 6 in Chronicles of Barsetshire
#2 of 6 in Chronicles of Barsetshire
#11 of 19 in Diary of a Wimpy Kid
#1 of 6 in Chronicles of Barsetshire
#1 of 2 in Aristotle and Dante
#5 of 11 in The Unwritten
#3 of 6 in Chronicles of Barsetshire
#2 of 6 in Heechee Saga
#1 of 7 in The Company Wars
#1 of 4 in Remembrance of Earth's Past
#1 of 5 in Tommy & Tuppence Mysteries
#1 of 3 in The Broken Earth
#1 of 9 in Anne of Green Gables
#1 of 2 in Triffids
#6 of 14 in Jeeves
#4 of 11 in The Unwritten
#5 of 6 in Chronicles of Barsetshire
#1 of 1 in Lucifer's Hammer, Audio
Easy Peasy Potty Training
#1 of 8 in Adrian Mole
#1 of 11 in The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (Collected Editions)
#3 of 11 in The Unwritten
#1 of 11 in Hornblower Saga: Chronological Order