#203 4.13 #204 3.84 #205 3.11 #206 3.56 #207 3.86 #208 3.3 #209 The Real Tadzio
The Real Tadzio : Thomas Mann's 'Death in Venice' and the Boy Who Inspired It
4 #210 3.81 #211 4.07 #212 Detective Comics: 80 Years of Batman
Neil Gaiman Glen David Gold Anthony Tollin Shelley Zimmerman Cory Doctorow Greg Rucka 3 #213 Bloom
Kevin Panetta Savanna Ganucheau 3.7 #214 4.42 #215 Jack Russell Terriers For Dummies
4 #216 My Brother's Name Is Jessica
4.4 #217 4.33 #218 4.53 #219 4 #220 Becoming Superman: My Journey from Poverty to Hollywood with Stops Along the Way at Murder, Madness, Mayhem, Movie Stars, Cults, Slums, Sociopaths, and War Crimes
5 #221 The house of special purpose
3.33 #222 3.57 #223 4.21 #224 4 #225 3.96 #226 4 #227 4.15 #228 3.33 #229 4.43 #231 Scott Pilgrim Vol. 2: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
4.16 #232 Scott Pilgrim Vol. 3: Scott Pilgrim & The Infinite Sadness
4.18 #233 Scott Pilgrim Vol. 4: Scott Pilgrim Gets It Together
4.33 #234 Scott Pilgrim Vol. 5: Scott Pilgrim vs. the Universe
4.28 #235 Scott Pilgrim Vol. 6: Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour
4.42 #236 4.83 #237 4 #238 4 #239 4.22 #240 4.3 #241 2.79 #242 4.19 #243 4.1 #244 4.4 #245 4.12 #246 4.27 #247 4.54 #248 Eclipse Phase: The Roleplaying Game of Transhuman Survival
Davidson Cole Simon Berman Katherine Cross Natalia Dean Travas Gunnell Sarah Hood Marc Huete Jason Mical Ross Payton Evie Smith Karen Twelves 5 #249 Sunward: The Inner System
Lars Blumenstein Davidson Cole Jack Graham Steve Mohan Andrew Peregrine Aaron Rosenberg John Snead 3 #250 Rimward: The Outer System
Talia Dean Jack Graham Leah Huete Marc Huete James Knevitt Steven Mohan John Snead Monica Valentinelli 4 #251 3.88 #252 Firewall
Talia Dean Nathaniel Dean Sarah Hood Marc Huete Jason Mical Ross Payton Rhett Skubis John Snead Caleb Stokes 3 #253 4.38 #254 3.86 #255 3.91 #256 The Queen of the Damned: The Third Book in The Vampire Chronicles
3.64 #257 3.63 #258 3.69 #259 After The Fall
Tiffany Trent Jack Graham Fran Wilde Georgina Kamsika Andrew Penn Romine Steve Mohan Ken Liu Wes Schneider Karin Lowachee Madeline Ashby Nathaniel Dean Davidson Cole Rob Boyle Kim May 3 #260 4 #261 3.33 #262 The Art of Fiction: Notes on Craft for Young Writers
3 #263 3.67 #264 Write Away
Write Away: One Novelist's Approach To Fiction and the Writing Life
4 #265 Half the Blood of Brooklyn
3 #266 On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
4.34 #267 4 #268 3 #269 3.93 #270 Bird By Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life
4.18 #271 Zen in the Art of Writing: Essays on Creativity
3.73 #272 3 #273 Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within
3.89 #274 3.36 #275 3.81 #276 3.97 #277 4.5 #278 3.93 #279 3.83 #280 Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh*t
3.89 #281 3.5 #282 3.96 #283 On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction
3.9 #284 3 #285 Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft
Janet Burroway Elizabeth Stuckey-French Ned Stuckey-French 4.22 #286 4.03 #287 The Fact of a Body: A Murder and a Memoir
Alexandria Marzano-Lesnevich 3.91 #288 Mistborn: The Final Empire
4.44 #289 4.32 #290 4.57 #291 4.25 #292 5 #293 A Traveler at the Gates of Wisdom
4 #294 4.55 #295 4.27 #296 Go Tell It on the Mountain
3.92 #297 4.35 #299 3.98 #300 4.01 #301 4.02 #302 Notes on a Nervous Planet
3.85 #303 3.8 #304 3.82